简介: The story revolves around Cathy, a determined 40-year-old sous-chef, who dreams of opening her own gourmet restaurant. As she faces financial difficulties, Cathy takes a job in the cafeteria of a shelter for young migrants. While she hates her new position, Cathy’s skills and passion for cuisine start to change the kids’ lives.
The story revolves around Cathy, a determined 40-year-old sous-chef, who dreams of opening her own gourmet restaurant. As she faces financial difficulties, Cathy takes a job in the cafeteria of a shelter for young migrants. While she hates her new position, Cathy’s skills and passion for cuisine start to change the kids’ lives.展开
1.0 本·斯蒂勒//琳达·卡德里尼//托比·哈斯//艾迪·帕特森//蒂姆·海德克//杰娜·西姆斯//布莱恩特·卡罗尔/ Greg Siewny/ Dominick Marrone/ Steven Terry Walker/ Isabella Steele/ Reese Foster/ John W. Harden/ Brooks Roseberry/ Robert Gerding/ Anita Farmer Bergman/ Karen Olchovy/ Mark Angel/ Tony Scott Griff/